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A Day of Homeschooling!

Well it been almost 2 months since my last post and I feel like I am finally in a normal enough routine to write another post. We have been successfully homeschooling for about 12 weeks now so I though now would be a good time to share more about it. What curriculum we use, what a normal school day looks like, likes, and dislikes.

We use The Good and Beautiful homeschool curriculum for all five of our children. I have really enjoyed the simplicity of it! There is very little advance prep work needed it is an open and go type of curriculum. My kids have all seemed to enjoy it as well. I think their favorite subjects are History and Science right now. Those subjects are a combined group so its easy to sit down and do the lesson as a group and then they each get to work on their activity sheet that goes with that lesson. There is also an audio book that is read throughout the History book and they all look forward to that.

What does a normal school day look like for us? Well honestly over the last 12 weeks it has changed a couple of times. Now though it looks like everyone getting their day started and being ready to start school at 8am. We start with our group lessons Bible, History, Science and Sigh Language. Then after that each child moves to their individual lessons Math, Language Art, Handwriting, Music and Journal. They each are allowed to pick what they work on and in what order other than music. We all take turns practicing music at the end of the day. So like I said we start our school day at 8am, we break for lunch around 11:30-12, and then complete our lessons and are usually done between 2-3. Each day looks a little different depending on how long each lesson takes and the attitude of the children. There have been days we are done before lunch and days were we just put it all away and finish it the next day. I love the flexibility with it and how each kid can work at their own pace.

Now for the likes and dislikes of homeschool. I honestly don't have many dislikes about it I have a few but not many. One dislike is that I wish we had a local co-op or group for the kids to have more friendship opportunities. I have found a couple just didn't find them in time to sign up for this season so we are hopeful to add that soon. Another dislike would be the length of some of the older kids lessons. They seem to feel discouraged when its 4-5 pages in one subject. They are getting used to it and better about just getting it done now but in the beginning it was a real struggle. Those area really the only dislikes I have and thankfully those are things that can change. As far as my likes I think I covered most of them above. I know one of the things I didn't mention is that I really like how they add artwork into the lessons.

Thank you for taking the time to read about My Joyfully crazy life! Like I've said before I hope to make post more often. That's my next goal so we will see how it goes. I would love to hear recommendations on what y'all would like to learn or know more about. Have a blessed week!

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