This might have been the best mothers day yet! Not because I was given a bunch of gifts but because my family supported me. When I started this journey to get healthy and become a better me one of my goals was to run a 5k. Well that's just what we did this past Sunday! Yes I said we because my whole family ran it with me. When Josh first signed me up I was nervous. One because I've never done a race like this and two because I wasn't sure how it was going to work with all seven of us doing it together. I was nervous that I would hold some of them back, nervous that Goose our oldest wouldn't do well with it. I won't lie the morning of the race I wasn't even sure I was going to do it. I was letting satan and his lies win. He was saying that I was going to fail and everyone would see, that I couldn't beat my personal record, that I wasn't good enough. I kept having to call his lies out and tell myself that no matter what I was already winning because I was doing the race. Even if I had to walk the whole 5k I was doing it, and boy did I do it. I smashed my personal record and my goal I had set for myself that day. I had a goal to complete the 5k in 44 minutes flat. My personal best until the race was 44:37 with an average pace of 14:27. I completed the race in 40:35 with an average pace of 13:16.
This is the Woman I want to be for myself, for Josh and for our kids. The one who fights for her health and dreams. Who shows them they can and inspires them to do and be their best. Who can get out and run with them. Who doesn't let the fear of failure run her life. Who stands up and fights for what she wants. My family was a wonderful support team during the race and I am proud of each one of them for completing it. New mother's day tradition for sure!
Here are some pictures if us before and after the race!
To say I am proud of myself feels like an understatement. I feel like something new has awakened in me. I feel like for the first time in a long time I have fought for me I have taken the fear and stomped on it. I know I can do this, I can do hard things. I can and will reach my goals! No matter what they are or what satan and this world throws at me. My God is bigger and has created me for so much more. Go out and fight for your dreams! Do your best! Become who God created you to be and kick satan in the face! You've got this!! SHALOM
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